Real-Life Goblins and Ghouls and A Simple Remedy
Every culture in the world has had stories of mischievous or malevolent creatures that interact in our human world in various ways. Goblins may be even be kind of cute and not really harmful, expect for those few who behave in a more sinister manner. Of course, the same could be said for humans!
Ghouls, however, are a different story. The word itself comes from the Arabic “to seize.” Ghouls were known in folklore to lure people into graveyards or deserts to eat them. Greedy or glutinous people have sometimes been referred to as ghouls. It makes sense when you consider that certain types of addictions (including money) seem to replace the soul and destroy the person from within.
Halloween seems like the perfect time to evaluate our own protection against these creatures. Recently I had a very interesting conversation with someone who has years of experience in private security, as well as extensive military and counter-terrorism training. He told me that the two most important aspects of security are deterrence and buying time.
We can apply this to our goals for a long health span and avoiding the debilitating consequences of chronic ill-health that plague the majority of Americans.
There are a vast number of steps that can be taken to deter ill-health. You can probably list a number of them for yourself. Most of them are common sense and fundamental, without even adding in all the bio-hacks from the gurus in fitness and extreme sports.
The often unknown and rarely considered element is buying time. What is the most challenging aspect of a cancer diagnosis? It’s the fact that the cancer may be encroaching on the body rapidly and the oncologist will push for immediate treatment. This causes a panicked approach in the patient and the family to get it out NOW. The time seems to be sucked out, allowing no nuanced or holistic approaches to how the cancer took root in the first place. The oncologist is applying his/her training, that nothing else except poisoning by surgery, drugs and radiation will work quickly enough, or at all.
In some cases, this may be true regarding an aggressive cancer. Other life-threatening conditions seem to rob us of the time we have to be healthy and productive. Neurological conditions are an example, such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinsons, and Dementia. These may linger for decades with a slow decline.
Diabetes is an epidemic in the United States and causes more blindness, amputation, and kidney failure than any other cause.
Here is the crazy truth. These are all metabolic diseases. They are all caused by choices we make, and the lack of regulation from the agencies who decide what is allowed in our food and our environment.
I wonder how different our lives would have been if we didn’t have ultra-processed foods like seed oils and high-fructose corn syrup in all our prepared foods or if our food crops weren’t GMOed and sprayed with glyphosate and other pesticides?
Would Americans be the most unhealthy of all the Western countries? And would we be spending 17.3% of our GDP (gross national product) on “healthcare,” which should actually be called by what it really is-sick care. i
You might say that these diseases are ghouls and goblins, but those who profit by selling us garbage to eat, and market sickness to us at every turn are the real ghouls.
Okay, you know that our food and environment is affecting our health. But you are busy and there are other more pressing issues for you right now. So, what can you do that doesn’t require more time and money than you want to spend right now?
If you look at disease progression, what happens is that toxins and harmful chemicals and seed oils and excess sugar damage cells and tissue. That is the simplicity of what occurs. So, first is deterrence, which means eliminate the dangerous substance. Maybe pick one area that you know is toxic, such as a personal care item or processed food and change it out for something healthier.
The second one is buy time. Chronic health problems usually take years or even decades to reach a critical level, although the time period has gotten shorter, especially for people who have lots of pharmaceutical interventions of any kind, even when they are life-saving.
Getting rid of some of the toxins can help buy time for your body to rebalance and repair. Big detox programs are wonderful and highly recommended on a regular basis. But you have to carve out time to do those when there aren’t a million distractions.
I have been using a new Detox product that is for daily use, and I have seen some excellent results. Some weight loss, better sleep, less congestion, less joint pain, more energy and stamina are a few. Start with one capsule and work up to 3/day. There may be a very slight detox response at first. I was a bit more tired and achey but also slept very well. I take one first thing in the morning with warm water and again in the evening. This detox product is mostly made of enzymes, with some herbs for liver, inflammation and parasites. Take the Detox supplement on an empty stomach, and take digestive enzymes (Biozyme, Enzycore, Zypan, MF 90) with meals.
This is a great preparation for the Holidays coming up, and could be used right through the Holiday feasting.
One of the interesting things about the body is that the more healthy things you do, the less the body wants unhealthy things. So, simple changes like adding regular detoxification and digestive enzymes may subtly improve your health and make it easier to avoid the constant temptations all around us.
Also, this is a simple remedy for those people in our lives who aren’t making the healthiest choices and really don’t want to learn (or hear) about it.
There are fairly painless ways to resist the Ghouls, and avoid the Goblins, improving your defense. Some wise prevention can help you avoid the crises moment when there is no time to think clearly. I don’t want anyone to have to give up the Ghost any sooner than they have to. So, I hope this little Trick will be the real Treat your body needs for your health and happiness!
Let me know if you want to try the Detox supplement. We ship every from the office every day.
i,see%20the%20downloadable%20files%20below. in this section&text=U.S. health care spending grew,see the downloadable files below.