Dampen the Flames of Inflammation

There are classic signs of inflammation; swelling, congestion, headaches, and pain. This is a sign that there is too much “stuff” in an area, and not enough room for the stuff to fit, so it presses on nerves and causes pain. It’s a dashboard light signaling that something should be done.

Taking pain-killers, without getting to the root cause, is very short-sighted, and may cause more problems in the long run since livers and kidneys have to detoxify from the chemical medication.

Sometimes inflammation is hidden, but it reveals itself on blood tests as elevated CRP or Homocysteine. Then the real detective work has to happen to find out where the inflammation is occurring to the extent that is shows up in the blood.

Allergies are another form of inflammation, whether they are seasonal allergies from the environment, food allergies or sensitivities, or digestive symptoms causing bloating and cramping.

The pharmaceutical answer to high levels of inflammation is steroid drugs that work on the adrenal glands. There are long-term side-effects and this never gets to the real reason for the inflammation. It is sometimes needed temporarily.

Chronic inflammation can be affected by food sensitivities or by any type of protein or particle that passes through the lungs or lining of the digestive tract that the body needs to get rid off. If normal pathways (breathing out through the lungs or normal digestion) don’t work, the body may collect fluids and put out body-chemicals like histamine in the area.

Pathogens can also cause inflammation. Sometimes there is a low-grade viral, parasitical, fungal, or bacterial infection that is keeping you inflamed, but not causing obvious symptoms of illness. These tax the immune system, and can flare up when you are extra-stressed, or exposed to new pathogens.

Inflammation is a pretty natural response for the body and it is not a problem if the body can resolve the situation quickly. It is not always comfortable for us, though. Symptoms may range from uncomfortable to unbearable.

The right way to handle inflammation is always to find out the source of the problem. It is the immune system that is responding to the stimulus, and that keeps the immune system fired up. The immune system should be in a relaxed but vigilant mode, not cranked up on high. Inflammation may be at the root of autoimmune situations that develop, also.

So, if you experience symptoms, or your blood work shows high levels of inflammation, let’s figure out the cause. That will give you a smarter immune system that is not so stressed, relieve your symptoms, and enhance your longevity.


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