Happy Easter but What’s Up With the Moveable Date?!

Easter is such a wonderful celebration, regardless of your religious beliefs or traditions. The renewal of Nature after the winter’s rest is so welcome, with trees budding and flowers blossoming.

In the Christian tradition, Easter is an affirmation and promise of spiritual life. But why isn’t it a fixed date, like Christmas?

To figure out Easter Sunday, start with the Full Moon that occurs on or after 21 March, the approximate date of the Spring Equinox, the day when there is equal light and dark that marks the first day of Spring. Astronomically, this takes place between March 19 and March 22
The first Sunday after that Full Moon is named as Easter. If the Full Moon falls on a Sunday, the following Sunday is named Easter. More or less. It isn’t exactly that way because, in the natural world of astronomy, things aren’t fixed to our calendars. The Jewish holiday of Passover is determined by a different traditional calendar, and Easter is associated with Passover, if you recall the accounting in the New Testament. You get the general idea.

Who came up with this formula? It was a Church Council, called by the Emperor Constantine, and held in the city of Nicea in 325 AD. Nicea was a city in ancient Greece, which is now in modern-day Turkey.

So, our celebration of Easter is a bit fluid, which only adds to the beauty of Spring and new life unfolding, and the deep religious meaning for Christians around the world.

How that morphed into a Bunny with a basket of brightly colored eggs and chocolates to bring to children is another story!

One Easter treat could be a better night’s sleep. You can’t lose weight, heal or detoxify without great sleep. The code to order Tranquil-Eyes herbal Sleep Supplement is good for April. For free shipping and $5 off use “epicapril24” at www.nuturia.com.



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